Get Glowing Skin

With spring around the corner, it’s time to thaw out your epidermis. From products to a workout, here’s how.

Eat: Top fiber-rich oatmeal—which flushes skin-harming toxins—with a teaspoon of flaxseed/primrose-blend oil to keep skin supple and soft. Find it at Whole Foods Markets.

Slather: Try Swiss-made (and non-greasy) Valmont Renewing Pack moisturizing cream ($170) to restore balance. At Rescue Rittenhouse Spa, 255 South 17th Street, 215-772-2766.

Sweat: Purge pores with hot yoga; the sauna-like temperatures and blood-flow boost will help you sweat out toxins. At Bikram Yoga Main Line, 511 Old Lancaster Avenue, Berwyn, 610-640-9642.

How are you getting your skin ready for warmer temps?