New ‘Powerful’ Greek Yogurt Is Just for Dudes (Sorry Ladies)

Because obviously, men and women can't eat the same food.

I thought it was sorta weird when I got wind of a new yoga-mat line for guys (they need their own special mats?), but not weird enough to post about it here. But this … this new brand of Greek yogurt called Powerful Yogurt (yup, real name) that’s designed just for men has gone far enough. It’s sort of like that tongue-in-cheek, for-men’s-mouths-only Dr Pepper 10 we wrote about last year, only I think Powerful is being completely serious here.

For your reading enjoyment, here’s the marketing copy from the website:

An all-natural, super-protein, great-tasting and nutritious Greek yogurt specifically designed to meet the health and performance needs of busy men living an active lifestyle.

We’ve teamed up with expert trainers, leading sports nutritionists, and food scientists to develop our all-natural, 0% fat Greek yogurt. This great tasting, convenient, and healthy snack or meal substitute was specifically formulated to meet the nutritional needs of today’s active man without sacrificing taste. Fat loss, muscle gain, and digestive health are all achieved with our high-quality, premium yogurt.

Elsewhere on the website, it describes the product as “man-sized” (we frail and delicate females couldn’t possibly eat the whole thing!) and basically couches itself as the Yogurt Messiah for Men, fiiiiinally giving guys a yogurt product (just for them!) in “a niche typically dominated by female consumers.” I guess they won’t be signing on Jamie Lee Curtis as a spokesperson any time soon.

So far, Powerful Yogurt isn’t available anywhere in or near Philly (the closest stores that carry it are in New York City and its environs). But at least one person in our area is dyyyyying to get the stuff here, according to the yogurt’s Facebook page.

What do you think? Silly marketing gimmick or genius business move? Share in the comments.