Stay Forever Young With Good Nutrition

Many people think of nutrition in terms of weight management, but there are more reasons to watch what you eat. Certain foods and dietary habits can shave years off your life and cause you to age more rapidly. However, good nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices can do the opposite. Learn more in the free online seminar, Nutrition is the New Wonder Drug to Keep You Forever Young.

The body’s internal chemistry is largely determined by nutrition, so your eating habits can affect everything from the condition of your skin, the quality of your connective and brain tissues, and how quickly you see and feel the effects of aging. Habits like consuming a lot of trans fats, sucrose and refined carbohydrates can all cause different signs of aging. Avoiding overindulging in these foods as well as recognizing the different dietary changes that promote healthy aging can help make signs of aging less severe on the inside and out.

Nutritional needs change with each decade of one’s life, and they are different for men, women, and children. As a person ages, his or her body becomes less able to absorb nutrients. While supplements can help this, diet changes can also help and possibly be more effective. There are also a variety of foods that have nutrients that help prevent aging and age-related diseases. For example, olive oil contains polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants that help prevent age-related disease. Cocoa has an unusually high amount of flavanols, which help keep blood vessels functioning healthily, in turn lowering the risk for high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and dementia. A study from the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University found that the polyphenolics in strawberries and blueberries can help protect the brain from accumulating the toxic protein that causes Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Fish, nuts, red wine, and yogurt are other examples of foods with potential age-fighting properties.

The free web seminar will highlight the physiological changes that alter nutrient requirements during the aging process and demonstrate how food, nutrients, phytochemicals and exercise may minimize these changes, promote wellness, and act as a good defense against aging and disease. Learn more and register here.