First Same-Sex Marriage License in Seattle Goes to Adorable 77 and 85-Year-Old Women Together for 35 Years

First Same-Sex Marriage License in Seattle Goes to Adorable 77 and 85-Year-Old Women Together for 35 Years


This past Thursday, as soon as the new same-sex marriage law went into effect in Washington state, 85-year-old Pete-e Petersen and 77-year-old Jane Lighty, who have been together for 35 years, got the first same-sex marriage license in King County, Washington.

Their story is really pretty amazing—especially considering Petersen was a captain in the Air Force during a time when gays and lesbians were certainly not welcome in the military—and these photos of them receiving their license are seriously heart-warming.

What a cool couple to get the party started.

RELATED: New Gay Marriage Laws Will Generate Millions in Maine, Maryland & Washtingon

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