Google Goes Gay – Sort of

A rainbow's worth of search results for Pride. But sorry, no Google Doodles.

First it was the ad campaign featuring “It Gets Better” for Chrome and now Google is showing its support of LGBT issues during Gay Pride month with a rainbow that appears in topical search results.

Just search for the word “gay” and you’ll be treated to results with a six-color rainbow curving around the search button. But unlike the many other Google Doodles that appear on the main search page – in which the now iconic logo gets creatively doctored in celebration of all sorts of cultural cues – Gay Pride didn’t rate. Unless you’re searching for “gay” specifically, you won’t find the rainbow.

But hey, it’s not over yet. Perhaps the tech giant will surprise us and deliver a rainbow Doodle before the end of June? It’s a pretty gay-friendly place after all. Google was among several companies that opposed Prop 8 in California and its LGBT employees also made their own “It Gets Better” video.

We just think Gay Pride should rate with, say, children’s author Richard Scarry who was treated to his very own Doodle on June 5 for creating the Busytown series.