Office Challenge Tip of the Day No. 6: Make Friends With the Sun

Lose weight at work with our eight-week Office Challenge!

Illustration by Justin Renninger

On most weekday mornings, I’m up by 5:30 to 6:00 a.m. so I can squeeze my workout into my way-too-full workday. I know, I picture all of you anti-morning people grimacing at the mere thought of such an early wake-up call—I get the same face from about three-quarters of the people who find out I’m up before the sun rises most months out of the year —and I understand your initial thoughts on why it sounds crazy.

It’s not easy to get up. I never, ever (very rarely, anyway), hop out of bed ready to go. I usually pad, bleary-eyed to the bathroom, brush my teeth, blindly dress, and try to ignore the little voice in my head that’s telling me to go back to bed.

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