Rick Santorum’s Campaign By the Numbers

On June 6, 2011, Rick Santorum announced his candidacy for President of the United States. Yesterday, April 10, 2012, he called it quits at an afternoon press conference in Gettysburg. Here’s a breakdown, by the numbers, of what happened in between.

Duration of Santorum candidacy in hours: 7,422
People who have gone to hell1: 31,301,542
Original hardcore pornographic videos created in the U.S.: 11,418
Megadeth shows: 27
State legislatures that legalized same-sex marriage2: 4
Governors to veto those decisions: 1
Percentage of answers I got right in “Who Said It, Rick Santorum or Adolf Hitler?” quiz: 60
Known instances of Santorum publicly cursing: 1
Highest price paid for a sweater vest on eBay: $249.99
Positions spreadingsantorum.com dropped in Google results for “Santorum” search3: 3
News stories mentioning Rick Santorum and the word “frothy”4: 253
YouTube views of Did Santorum almost call Obama the N Word?5: 1,477,827
YouTube views of candidacy announcement on GMA6: 4,980
Dollars in debt of the Santorum campaign7: $922,400
Facebook likes for First Love, the girl band who released Santorum ode “Game On”: 1,135
Months that Santorum’s campaign lasted beyond any pundit predictions made in 2011: 3
Last Philadelphia-area donation to Santorum more than $5008: $508, from Hi Kim
Last Philadelphia-area donation to Mitt Romney more than $500: $1,000, from Fox Rothschild
Days that Newt Gingrich outlasted Santorum: 1 + counting

1Based on a mortality rate of 153,000 deaths per day and a Christianity rate of 33 percent of the world’s population. 2New York, Maryland, New Jersey and Washington. 3From first to fourth place. 4Based on a search of news archives on Nexis.com. 5Posted 3/29/2012. 6Posted 6/6/2011. 7As of the latest campaign finance report. 8According to most recent FEC report.