Montgomery County Not Backing Down on Gay Marriages

The Delco Times reports that Montgomery County isn’t backing down from issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, despite a lawsuit from the state on Tuesday challenging the practice:

The county has issued its own statement, defending Hanes’ actions

“While it comes as no surprise that the Corbett administration has filed an action seeking to enjoin marriage equality in Montgomery County, the petition filed today in Commonwealth Court by the state Department of Health has serious flaws,” said Montgomery County Solicitor Ray McGarry. “Montgomery County will be filing a response shortly. In the meantime, the Register of Wills office will continue to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.”

Interviewed on Wednesday, Hanes told The Times Herald his decision was a “new landmark in human equality.”

“What we have is a law that was passed defining marriage. In my opinion, that law is in direct opposition to the Pennsylvania constitution. I think my responsibility is to uphold the constitution and ignore what I consider to be an unconstitutional statute.”

We’re starting to think this could be fun, in a “most important civil rights moment in recent Pennsylvania history” sort of way.