UPDATE: Montgomery County Issues 100th Same-Sex Marriage License

[Update] Nicole and Ginny Perrine-Wilson of Lansdowne received the 100th same-sex marriage license, according to phillyburbs.com:

They’ve been together for 15 years, and share a last name and young daughter.

Ginny Perrine-Wilson says the couple doesn’t expect to reap all of the benefits of marriage right away, given the ongoing legal fight.

But she says they want to marry in Pennsylvania, and be part of the movement that helps change the law.

[Original] Since it bucked the system and started issuing marriage licenses to gay couples in the face of political pressure and court dates, Montgomery County has licensed nearly nearly 100 same-sex couples to marry. As of yesterday, MontCo licensed its 98th couple, with the 100th nuptial-seeking pair expected to get theirs today. Of the couples so far, 62 have been lesbians, 36 gays, and Mondays and Fridays have been the most popular days for filing the paperwork. You can check out more statistics about MontCo’s gay marriage blitz here. [Philly.com]